
Neil P. 2015

We built a home using Paragon project management services in 2015 and are very satisfied We received guidance throughout the process. Even after the project was finished, we never felt on our own. I can call Frank 7 days a week and he's there to answer questions or help solve a problem. The relationship is like a marriage. We argued, we stressed, and we got it done. We now have our dream home and no horror stories to tell.

M. Brown

After researching various building options and plans including Viceroy, Bonneville, Guildcrest and a private contractor, we comfortably decided upon working with Paragon Homes. Frank's enthusiasm, expertise and guidance in the early planning stages helped us to create the customized design we were looking for. We especially appreciated Paragon's project management style which allowed us the control and flexibility to be hands-on throughout all phases of the project.

We’re so thankful

I cant believe just how amazing the house is looking. Were so excited about moving in that we can hardly sleep. Everyone has been putting in an effort that is above and beyond the call of duty to make this happen for us.

Kevin & Monika

Monika and I are extremely happy with the products supplied to date, just as you are proud of providing them. The wood, windows, doors, shingles and aluminum included in the Paragon Kit have all been of the highest quality without a doubt. In my eyes it is the little things such as the triple levers on the windows that stand out and define the products in the Paragon Kit as a very high quality product.

Bradley and Gail

We had a major addition built onto our house that is larger than the original house. This involved the joining of two structures and thus there were a number of challenges in the building process. Our experience with Paragon was a very positive experience. We definitely recommend Maison Paragon Homes. We wish you all the best in the building of your house.

Charles & Fiona

We really enjoy the look and feel of our home and the Paragon hybrid kit which we purchased as part of our project served us well in that regard. We had the opportunity to meet many of the potential sub-contractors before beginning the construction. Your guidance and negotiating skills made it possible to obtain, and what we feel was the best value for money.

Julie & Steve

We brought our napkin drawing to Paragon Homes and told Frank to take the project by the reins. Frank managed to put together a plan to bring our dreams into reality. Frank's planning and ideas have allowed us to build a home that has enhanced both our lives and our lifestyle.

Andy & Celine

We appreciate the work you did for us, especially in the planning stages. Without the planning process, we could not have succeeded in organizing all the trades and getting the results we wanted. Overall, it is spectacular Also a big thanks to Paragon for helping us to put together a project plan that secured the necessary financing.

Rodd M.

We came to Paragon with a draft plan, which they worked through with us and improved significantly both in terms of functionality and financial efficiency. We found, throughout the planning and construction process, that the team at Paragon was professional and flexible to meet our needs.


When my partnership with Paragon Homes began, I continued to receive the direction and support I needed to build the home of my dreams. Paragon Homes solicited individual contractors in my area and promoted positive working agreements for all concerned. The end result of our efforts speaks for itself


It is so very obvious how [Paragon] honoured all the details that were so very important to us. With their considerable experience in the business, they could take our ideas, improve and embellish them, adding touches we never would have even dreamed about. They enhanced our vision. And when it needed to be done, they also helped us alter our vision to suit the really of our building site and our budget.

Desmond and Family

We shopped around for 6 months and interviewed several builders and kit suppliers before deciding on a Paragon Log Home. At the completion of the project, we are very happy we did, and would hire them again.

Bob & Helène

We used the services of Paragon Homes for designing, planning and building our country home on Lac St. Pierre. Having now gone through the experience, I realize we could not have done it without them.  This was a big project for us. Paragon was the reason it was a successful and enjoyable experience.

Paragon Homes

In 2005 we had the unique opportunity and honour to design and build the residence of the Rt. Honorable Joe Clark and Ms. Maureen McTeer. It was an incredible experience to work with such honest, hard-working and talented individuals. Joe and Maureen truly represent what is best about all of the people of Canada.

Brigitte et Jean

La nuit, la lune et les étoiles dansent au-dessus de notre lit ! Le jour, c'est de partout que le ciel et la forêt entrent chez nous ! Magnifique, notre maison! Notre rêve est une réalité! Bravo et merci à Paragon!

Eric et Roxanne

Un gros merci à Frank et toute son équipe pour nous avoir guidé et accompagné dans ce projet ambitieux. La construction de notre chalet est maintenant complétée et nous en profitons pleinement. L'approche flexible de Paragon nous a permis de confier à son équipe la supervision des volets choisis tout en conservant le choix d'accomplir nous-même aussi peu ou autant de tâches que nous désierions.

Isabelle et Marc

Les services [de Paragon] fuent d'une valeur inestimable dans le processus de soumission et de sélection des différents corps de métier. Sans cette aide, nous n'aurions jamais démarré notre projet du bon pied et au moment voulu.
