Your New Log Home Calculator

Use this tool to get an approximation of the total costs to build your new home. This is an estimator only. It is designed to give you an idea of the costs and get you pointed in the right direction. Talk to one of our Project Managers for actual costs.

Log Home Type

What type of log home do you prefer?
Choose the type of exterior log wall you prefer. If you are unsure about the selections, please view our log profiles.
Wood Species?
Our log homes are generally offered in eastern white pine however, we do get many requests for cedar.
Log Thickness / Diameter?
Log thickness/diameter can impact the cost of your log home substantially. Our square log kits come with a standard 6 inch thick by 8 inch high log.
Square log dimensions are measured in Thickness X Height.
Square Footage

How many square feet will your new home have?
Please indicate the amount of square feet you would like to have in your new home.
Popular Options

These are some of the most popular options on the log homes we sell. Click on the boxes that apply to you, and select sizes as necessary. Of course costs will differ based on styles and trim levels, but this will give you an idea of how these items will impact the total cost of your new log home.
Total Square Feet:
A screen porch is always a very popular option as it tends to make the outdoor season longer in northern climates, and it keeps insects at bay. An average screen porch is 10 feet X 10 feet.
Total Square Feet:
Matching pine decks complement your home and give you added living space outdoors. Our decks are designed to match the design of your home and feature pine post and beam elements.
9 Foot Ceiling Heights A 9 foot ceiling height adds spaciousness to your log home and can make it feel much bigger than it is. This is an especially popular option on smaller floor plans and those that do not have lofts and cathedral ceilings.
Ceilings finished in matching pine Cathedral ceiling areas can be finished in matching pine to complement the appearance of your home.
Appointments and Options

Tell us about the interior of your home and how you will appoint it.
We generally find that our customers have a good idea of how they will appoint their homes. There is no science to answering this question, it is purely based on preferences.

Well appointed: predominantly carpet, some hardwood in main rooms, standard plumbing and electrical fixtures, basic fireplace, basic kitchen and bath cabinets.

Premium Appointments: predominantly hardwood and ceramic floors, upgraded fixtures and lighting, solid wood cabinets, custom fireplace, upgraded countertops, decks.

Exclusive Appointments: mostly custom cabinetry, solid wood and ceramic floors, custom countertops, exclusive plumbing and electrical fixtures and appliances, solid wood millwork and trim, mantles multiple fireplaces,large decks, radiant flooring.


* All figure are quoted in Canadian Dollars
Remember that this is a conservative approximation of the cost to build your home. Using our managed project system and our custom tendering process, results are likely to be 10% to 20% lower.
This gives you an approximation of your mortgage costs using a 4% interest rate and a 30 year amortization period.
